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- Carb Executive Order Numbers
Edge Products has continued to invest in the time and resources required to stay current and compliant with the CARB standards. Edge Products is excited to share the details of a new, comprehensive Executive Order obtained from the California Air Resources Board (CARB). The Executive Order (E.O.) rolls all of Edge’s previous diesel application coverage into one consolidated E.O. In addition to the merged coverage from previous documentation, E.O. D-541-18 also includes several new products and applications including the Revolver Performance Chip, Juice with Attitude CS2/CTS2, and 2016 Duramax coverage.
The 54-page document from CARB includes a detailed addendum (See Exhibit A) that details both previous and current part numbers, with corresponding diesel coverage. A note from the President of Powerteq, Martinez noted, “Our intention with any application or product we bring to market is to make emissions compliance priority number one. The EO we have just received is the most comprehensive and detailed of its kind when it comes to the space our company operates in today.” Executive Order D-541-18, detailing the far-reaching 50 state legal diesel coverage, can be read in its entirety and downloaded here.
The team at Edge Products continues to bring best-in-class products to market for both gas and diesel customers. Performance programmers and inline modules included in the new EO passed all required testing without sacrificing power or tampering with an emissions system. An increasingly important element for continued success in the automotive aftermarket space is emissions compliance. This announcement aligns with the mission statement for Edge Products: To create an extraordinary driving experience. With the recent introduction of 50 state legal intakes and exhaust systems to pair with performance programmers, Edge is positioned to continue creating value, performance, and assurance for their thousands of customers and channel partners across the country, and the world.
Why a CARB “Executive Order” is Important to Consumers?
The short answer is that an Executive Order (E.O.) number keeps your vehicle in compliance with regulatory bodies. 50 state legal Edge products come with assurance knowing you are covered when you go to get your routine Smog check in California or other counties that have adopted CARB’s standards.
The California Air Resources Board (CARB) requires specialty parts manufacturers selling emissions-related products for on-road use in California to obtain “certifications” for such components. By so doing, products are assigned an “Executive Order” (E.O.) number, indicating successful completion of emissions and related tests in an authorized testing facility. Failure to obtain an E.O. can result in fines and the inability of a vehicle to pass routine “Inspection and Maintenance” (I&M) tests, conducted by the state of CA. I&M tests are also being required in other states and major air quality regions throughout the country. In addition, emissions-related specialty parts require a CARB E.O. when registering, re-registering, or transferring the title of a vehicle.
You can configure your vehicle and review the specific E.O. numbers assigned to our products and available for use with your vehicle. Edge has made a significant investment in both time and resources to make sure your vehicle is covered. We continue to test and apply for expanded coverage on both gas and diesel vehicles. Make sure you review all the options available on our website to find the appropriate product.
Edge Products fully supports efforts by the CARB and EPA to make certain that emissions-certified products are available to the specialty parts customer. In fact, Edge is able to meet these requirements while delivering the performance benefits for which our products are widely known. On a consistent basis, Edge applies for and obtains CARB E.O.s for its emissions-related products. It is Edge’s intention to provide customers with up-to-date, technologically state-of-the-art, street-legal parts that comply with regulatory requirements while preventing problems for the consumer when engaging in emissions test programs and registration procedures mandated by governmental agencies.
CARB Executive Order Lookup
Carb EO Number for Edge Products Power Edge EZ Updated - 2002-07-29 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products Power Edge Juice Updated - 2004-06-21 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products Evolution, Part Number 35060 Updated - 2008-06-24 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products Ford Evolution, Part Number 15051 Updated - 2008-09-29 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products Evolution Updated - 2008-10-07 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products Trailjammer Performance Kit Updated - 2009-04-29 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products Evolution Updated - 2010-08-30 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products CS, CTS, and EvoHT Part Numbers 85101, 85201, 85301, 85401, 16130 Updated - 2013-06-28 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products CS, CTS, and EvoHT Part Numbers 85101, 85201, 85301, 85401, 16130 Updated - 2013-06-28 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products EvoHT, Evolution, CS/CS2 and CTS/CTS2 Tuners Updated - 2014-04-25 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products CS, CTS, and EvoHT Part Numbers 85101, 85201, 85301, 85401, 36130 Updated - 2014-02-21 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products CS, CTS, and EvoHT Part Numbers 85101, 85201, 26130 Updated - 2014-02-27 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products CS, CTS, and EvoHT Part Numbers 85101, 85201, 85301, 85401, 26130 Updated - 2014-07-09 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products CS, CTS, and EvoHT Part Numbers 85101, 85201, 85301, 85401, 16130, 16430 Updated - 2015-02-04 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products CS, CTS, and EvoHT Part Numbers 85301, 85401, 26130 Updated - 2016-06-17 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products Jammer Cold Air Intake Updated - 2016-02-09 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products Dodge Juice Updated - 2016-05-13 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products EvoHT, Evolution, CS/CS2 and CTS/CTS2 Tuners Updated - 2017-01-06 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products Programmer Updated - 2018-01-31 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products Juice with Attitude CS2 and CTS2 Part Numbers 31006, 31106, 31407, and 31507 Updated - 2018-03-28 |
Carb EO Number for Powerteq, Inc. Pulsar Module Updated - 2018-04-20 |
Carb EO Number for Powerteq, Inc. Pulsar Part Number 22400 Updated - 2020-02-13 |
Carb EO Number for Edge Products Jammer Cold Air Intake Updated - 2018-01-24 |